"Strangers" is the second episode of the fifth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series ''The Walking Dead'', which aired on AMC on October 19, 2014. The episode was written by series creator Robert Kirkman and directed by David Boyd. In the episode, Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln)'s group encounters a priest, Father Gabriel Stokes (Seth Gilliam), who provides them solace in his church, while Rick contemplates Sgt. Abraham Ford's (Michael Cudlitz) proposition to escort Dr. Eugene Porter (Josh McDermitt) to Washington, D.C. to cure the walker virus. "Strangers" features the debut of Father Gabriel Stokes, a major protagonist of the graphic novels of the same name. Commentators gave the overall episode positive reviews, but most gave an alarmed response to the episode's ending scene, with some calling it one of the show's most shocking moments. Upon airing, the episode was watched by 15.14 million viewers and received an 18-49 rating of 7.7, down a whole ratings point from the previous episode, which attained an 18-49 rating of 8.7. ==Plot== The group is traveling through the woods following their escape from Terminus. At night, Daryl Dixon (Norman Reedus) and Carol Peletier (Melissa McBride) guard the camp, and Daryl senses that someone is watching them. The next day, the group hears a man (Seth Gilliam) screaming for help. They save him from a group of walkers that had surrounded him and forced him to climb a rock to survive. The man reveals he is a pastor named Gabriel who has lived in solitude, and he leads them to his church. Gabriel explains that he has survived through luck, eating canned food collected for a food drive and scavenging for other materials. Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) expresses distrust of Gabriel and tells his son Carl (Chandler Riggs) that he should never let his guard down. Gabriel notifies the group of a food bank not too far away that has supplies but is overrun by walkers; Rick, Michonne (Danai Gurira), Bob Stookey (Lawrence Gilliard, Jr.), and Sasha (Sonequa Martin-Green) get Gabriel to take them there. On the way there, Bob advises Rick to accept Sgt. Abraham Ford's (Michael Cudlitz) proposal to head to Washington; he then asserts that the world they are living in is not the real world, saying, "This is a nightmare, and nightmares end". Once they arrive, they find walkers in a flooded basement, which they dispatch while gathering canned foods. While doing so, Gabriel seems to submit himself before an approaching walker, which Rick kills before it can reach him. While fighting, Bob is attacked by a walker, and Sasha saves him. On the way out of the food bank, Rick realizes Gabriel knew the walker who almost killed him. Once back at the church, Carl shows Rick deep scratches near a window and a message that reads, "You'll burn for this". Meanwhile, Glenn, Maggie, and Tara search a nearby gun store, finding three firearm silencers in the freezer. Daryl and Carol walk down a road, discover a working car, and decide to save it as "backup" in case things went south at the church. That night, the group celebrates sanctuary with the newly recovered food and Gabriel's communion wine. Abraham toasts to their safety and attempts to convince everyone to venture to Washington, D.C. in order for Eugene Porter (Josh McDermitt) to work on a cure for the outbreak. Eugene claims there is also hardened infrastructure in Washington to get a hand-up on the restart. Rick shows his approval, and the rest of the group responds enthusiastically. Alone in his office, Father Gabriel looks sorrowfully at a picture of him and the young woman who, as a walker, tried to kill him at the food bank. Meanwhile, Carol distances herself from the group, still affected by her actions while she was exiled, she and Tyreese both refusing to discuss what happened. She returns to the car she found, which is now running, when she is discovered by Daryl. They see another car driving by, and Daryl observes that it has the same white cross as the car he saw the night Beth Greene (Emily Kinney) was kidnapped. He and Carol jump in their car and give chase. Later, Bob steps outside the church alone and begins to weep. While doing so, he is knocked unconscious by a hooded figure. When he awakens, he is face to face with Gareth (Andrew J. West) and a still-alive Martin (Chris Coy), as well as three other former Terminus residents, all of them angry with Rick & his people over the destruction of Terminus. Gareth explains that he and his group were once normal but devolved into "hunters". It is then revealed that the group cut off Bob's left leg in order to eat it. Gareth casually says, "If it makes you feel any better, you taste much better than we thought you would". 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Strangers (The Walking Dead)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク